Winter Escape, 2022

18” x 36”, Acrylic on Canvas. SOLD.

Mammoth Mountain Ski Area is a world-renown ski resort nestled among the pine forests of the eastern Sierra Nevada, California. It is the vision and creation of founder Dave McCoy and his wife Roma, who worked passionately to establish it’s foundation in 1942. Winter Escape captures the essence of a mid-century modern travel poster while reflecting on the origin of skiing in Mono County. When taking a closer look at the painting, a familiar viewer may notice unique references to the history of Mammoth, as well as artistic symbolic messages.

Made with craftsmanship, creativity & curiosity

  • Original artwork by Alexandra Leclerc

  • Hand painted in high quality acrylic paint

  • Authentic LA pop art from SoCal

  • Inspired by Mammoth Lakes and legendary mountain-man Dave McCoy